Friday, March 4, 2011
A hobby of mine...
OK...I really think this 30 day thing is wearing on me. I wouldn't say I have a hobby..I don't scrapbook or craft on a regular basis..I do whatever as I'm inspired. So IF I have to take a look at my life and pick something that is my 'hobby' id say its between two things: drinking coffee or procrastinating my chores. IF the coffee I liked had no calories...I could virtually live on it. But do. :( Poo! Some days..OK OK..most days, its the most water I get.
AS for my other 'hobby', procrastinating my chores is just so delightful. Who doesn't love a messy and dirty home. There is so much pleasure to be derived from said procrastinating, long lengths of dallying, lolly-gagging, spending time doing things with friends, family, or my delightful children. So there you have it 'hobbies'. THE END
Friday, February 25, 2011
a talent
well...I think im talented at making cinnamon rolls. Ive made them since I was in 6th grade and over time they have gotten better and better. I love to make them for people. I love to make them for my family. They are cinnamongooeydelishishness! And im not ashamed to admit it. Ask around..those that have had them can agree...they are kind of like crack! Im just sayin' :D
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I dont know..I dont want to go over my wedding..but I do think about the what ifs of if I renewed my vows...
First of all..there would only be a handful of people there. I would be skinny. and my dress would be fabulous! I would probably stick to my original wedding colors, red, white, and black. It would be a night wedding..outdoors..under the starts..with hanging lights and lanterns. And if there was a would be outdoors and amazing..great food, a DJ, a sound system...just fun..yet simple. That is what I would do.
First of all..there would only be a handful of people there. I would be skinny. and my dress would be fabulous! I would probably stick to my original wedding colors, red, white, and black. It would be a night wedding..outdoors..under the starts..with hanging lights and lanterns. And if there was a would be outdoors and amazing..great food, a DJ, a sound system...just fun..yet simple. That is what I would do.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
A song that makes me cry
The only song I can think of that makes me truly emotional no matter when I hear it is "I can only imagine" by Mercy Me. Thats not to say that other songs do not make me emotional...this one is just more.
My Grandpa Gerlach got really sick with cancer and I never went and saw him. I just couldn't. I didn't want to remember him as sickly and in a hospital..I still remember seeing my Grandma Gerlach in the hospital and I dont like that memory at all. I wanted to remember him as the man he was, healthy, happy, quiet and seemingly serious, but gently and loving. He is the Grandpa I remember the only Grandpa I remember. We used to go over to their house every weekend after my parents cleaned the church. We went there a lot actually it seems. Their house always smelled of dog and stale cigarettes, though not a smell you want bottled, it was a familiar smell and in essence a good smell because it was attached to the two people I loved. My Grandma and my Grandpa.
Maybe it was selfish of me not to go and see my Grandpa on his death bed, but I just couldn't, not that this was a conscious thought I had though..I didn't tell myself not to go..I just did not..I could not. I still remember getting the news that he was probably not going to make it through the night. All of us kids were at my parents house while they were in Canada (I think) my Uncle Gail called to let us know. I called my Dad. The next morning we found out that he had died.
Jason and I drove over to Twisp the night before the funeral to stay with his parents before heading to Spokane. On the way there we listened to "I Can Only Imagine" and that was the first time I cried, the first time I felt the reality of the fact that I would never see my Grandpa again. I grieved.
The funeral was awful. I had not cried that hard in so long. They sang "I Can Only Imagine" at the funeral. Yet it was good...after the funeral at the reception all of us siblings with spouses sat at a table together and talked about funny things that happened when we were kids. It was fun and helped relieve the sadness of losing our Grandpa.
To this day that song without fail makes me cry. I miss my Grandpa..and though I was not more than 7 when my Grandpa died..I still miss her as well. I miss sitting on her lap putting beads around her neck and snuggling with her, feeling loved by her. I miss hearing the heated arguments about politics, jumping off the stone porch, playing in Uncle Gail's basement..thinking he was so rock n roll and scary..reading all the phone numbers written all over his walls. Eating cheese hot dogs with Grandpa when he babysat us and watching a movie about kids at Nasa camp that accidentally got sent into space. Going over after our church bazaar on halloween to get our pumpkin buckets full of goodies..eating too much and then puking on the st. in front of our house. So many memories. I miss them and love them.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A non-fictional book
Well if you were hoping for me to have some sort of profound heavy book reading wont be me. NOPE..not at all..I would fall asleep. The one and only non-fiction book I read is the Bible. Not that that is a problem, the Bible is fascinating, challenging, and amazing! There are so many avenues of thought that can come from a passage. I love it!
Now believe me I have tried...Ive tried to read all sorts of non-fiction books..but I cannot get into them. I think the closest ive gotten is What to Expect When You are Expecting. Oh well, im happy with the Bible. :)
Now believe me I have tried...Ive tried to read all sorts of non-fiction books..but I cannot get into them. I think the closest ive gotten is What to Expect When You are Expecting. Oh well, im happy with the Bible. :)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
A fictional book
Well I just did my favorite not to long I think ill go with something totally different. Ive been reading the sookie stackhouse books. They are an easy read thats for sure. They are not written all that great but the story is captivating. True Blood on HBO is based off of these books and the show, though good at times, can be quite vulgar (man I sound like a grandma). But I like the books all the same. :)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Something I am OCD about
Hmmmm....I do not know actually....ok ok I know. I am very very ocd about how I load the dishwasher. I am really I AM without doubt the best dishwasher loader ever! I can get so so much in a dishwasher. And I very particular about how it is done. Not that it is all lines up perfectly and it looks like artwork...but I can get so much in and I can do it with such finesse (yes I said finesse) that everything still gets clean. Yep..I am awesome and very OCD when it comes to loading the dishwasher!
My next 18 posts
Day 12: Something you are OCD about
Day 13: A fictional book
Day 14: A non-fictional book
Day 15: Your dream house
Day 16: A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17: An Art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18: My Wedding (Future or past)
Day 19: A talent of your
Day 20: A hobby of yours
Day 21: A recipe
Day 22: A website
Day 23: A youtube video
Day 24: Where you live
Day 25: Your day, in great detail
Day 26: Your week, in great detail
Day 27: Your worst habit
Day 28: What's in your handbag/purse?
Day 29: Hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30: A dream for the future
Day 13: A fictional book
Day 14: A non-fictional book
Day 15: Your dream house
Day 16: A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17: An Art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18: My Wedding (Future or past)
Day 19: A talent of your
Day 20: A hobby of yours
Day 21: A recipe
Day 22: A website
Day 23: A youtube video
Day 24: Where you live
Day 25: Your day, in great detail
Day 26: Your week, in great detail
Day 27: Your worst habit
Day 28: What's in your handbag/purse?
Day 29: Hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30: A dream for the future
Friday, February 11, 2011
Picture of me over 10 yrs ago
Ok so there are so many pics I could put up of me in my dorky phase (har har yes im still dorky), one of me during or post high school..but I just like this pic. Its FUNNY! I look like a skinny little rat baby. I mean really only a face a mother could love. Those ears..I mean..those ears are huuuge! They look like they are melting off of my head they are so big!! I wish I knew what But am so thankful that my ears moved up in the world and thankfully now sit where ears should. :)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
A photo I took
I dont know what else to say..but I just love this pic of my Ruby Doo..shes my precious little angel, who is sometimes as difficult as she is precious. :* I love her guts!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
A photo that makes me Sad/Angry this photo makes me angry! Bet you cant guess why? Well its hard to tell..but right pretty toes are sitting on a hospital bed. This makes me angry for many reasons. First of all the reason my toes are pretty is a pretty awful story.
September 27th 2008 I was heading to the Chrysallis for a pregnancy body treatment and a pedicure. I had to take Jasons car for some reason and oh the joy I got pulled over. Apparently Jasons tabs were expired. Stink! So first thing I got a ticket!!
Off to the spa..grrr. So I arrive get shown to the locker room where I awkwardly change with my cumbersome pregnant body in a very small space. As I am changing an employee from the spa comes in and asks if anyone is in the bathroom..I do not know as ive just arrived...without knocking she walks into the bathroom..and in on someone using it. I was rather shocked by this...most knock..its kinda rude not too..let alone an employee. Do they not have their own bathrooms?
After I was robed up I went and sat in the fancy schmancy relaxing room..and sat...and sat..and saaat. Finally, I asked the Hostess if I was going to be seen soon. She went and checked the computer and came back to let me know that my 'person' was running late. A few minutes later...yikes the unknocking bathroom intruding employee walks in and says my name. CRAP..not a good start.
I tried really hard to put on a good face and just kept hoping that everything was going to be wonderful. As we get in I laid down on the bed/table and asked if she could provide something to help me so that I was not lying flat...she had no idea what I was talking about. OK..if you are going to be doing a pregnancy treatment should you not know that a pregnant woman should not lie flat? Ok so after we figured that out she told me it would be a few minutes as she had not prepared for my treatment yet and "did not know what she was doing and had to read about it first". Are you kidding. She finally figured it out and put together the body scrub portion. Oh I forgot to mention that she left the lights up full bright and not relaxing at all. Anyway, so as she was doing the scrub part she made a comment that it was silly and she felt like she was giving me a sponge bath. NICE! Once that was done she stepped aside and had me get off of the table..I thought she would leave to give me privacy to get into the shower and rinse off..NOPE..she stood right there while I got my pregnant naked body in and out of the shower and back onto the bed. After she finished all the body stuff (talking the entire time about her kids) she gave me a scalp massage it hurt...she kept her thumbs in the same spot and wore a hole into my skull. She asked me if I wanted to move on..I said I was fine though I was dying..I just wanted to get the most I could out of my treatment..even if it sucked. She informed me that there was 5 minutes left in my ridiculous massage. OK I got back off of the bed and got into the shower one last time (with her right there of course) when I got out she suggested I stand for her to do the lotion as she felt it would be silly to have me get back on the table again. So I stood there..awkwardly raising my towel here and there to allow her to lotion me up. She finally left and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. So glad it was over so glad I was free of her. I got into my robe and headed back out to the relaxing room to wait for my pedicure. As I walked down the hall the awful woman was there and she informed me (with rolling eyes) that she would also be doing my pedicure. Sigh*. The pedicure started out ok..doing all the regular one point it was highly painful as she tried to rip skin from my toe..I had to make her stop. She got on the paraffin and left the room. I was confused as I was supposed to have some sort of cool treatment for pregnant women and nothing looked or seemed any different. I asked the manager in the room if what I was having was the treatment I had signed up for. NOPE. Go figure. Thankfully they were nice and credited me. My awful spa demon..I mean lady that worked on me came back into the pedicure room and apologized for the mix up but then went on to tell me that I would not like it any way as it it was cool not hot. OK..but that is what I had signed up for. I left very angry and frustrated not relaxed at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That night I wrote a lengthy letter to the manager of the Chrysallis spa.
The next morning I woke up at 28wks of pregnancy...bleeding. I called my mom and dad and asked them to come over to watch Ruby and Elliot as I was heading to the Labor and Delivery. I was laying down on the couch so that the bleeding would hopefully slow and the baby would be as protected as possible. I had only felt her move once and the movement was so small and slight that I was terrified for her (Scarlet). I stood up to go out the front door so that we could leave and I felt a big gush of blood. I instantly checked and then laid down on the floor of our entryway telling Jason to call and ambulance immediately (which he thought was overkill) but he did it anyway. The baby still was not moving and I was a wreck trying to be brave so that Elliot and Ruby were not too scared. My mom was sick with fear. The ambulance arrived and so so wonderfully did Misty Kok, who I had just spoke with the day before at the park and she remembered where I lived since her husband did lawn service across the st. I was so happy that Misty came as she was the only female there. They got me onto the Gurney and got me into the ambulance only to go to Darigold where (sorry but its true) a very young and handsome aid in the Bellingham ambulance asked me a bunch of awkward questions about gushing blood etc while he tried to get an IV into me. Well I told him it would be hard but they kept trying and trying. I was starting to freak out when they finally gave up and took me to the hospital. Thus started my first stint at the hospital (5days). As a nurse was checking me over she saw my pretty toes..I told her that i had just had a pedicure..and she told me that in some countries they believe that pedicures or any massage to the foot can induce labor. And there you have it..(though it may not be true I choose to believe it) my awful terrible painful and rude experience at the Chrysallis Spa sent me and my wee little 28wk Scarlet to the hospital..and that is why that picture makes me Angry!
September 27th 2008 I was heading to the Chrysallis for a pregnancy body treatment and a pedicure. I had to take Jasons car for some reason and oh the joy I got pulled over. Apparently Jasons tabs were expired. Stink! So first thing I got a ticket!!
Off to the spa..grrr. So I arrive get shown to the locker room where I awkwardly change with my cumbersome pregnant body in a very small space. As I am changing an employee from the spa comes in and asks if anyone is in the bathroom..I do not know as ive just arrived...without knocking she walks into the bathroom..and in on someone using it. I was rather shocked by this...most knock..its kinda rude not too..let alone an employee. Do they not have their own bathrooms?
After I was robed up I went and sat in the fancy schmancy relaxing room..and sat...and sat..and saaat. Finally, I asked the Hostess if I was going to be seen soon. She went and checked the computer and came back to let me know that my 'person' was running late. A few minutes later...yikes the unknocking bathroom intruding employee walks in and says my name. CRAP..not a good start.
I tried really hard to put on a good face and just kept hoping that everything was going to be wonderful. As we get in I laid down on the bed/table and asked if she could provide something to help me so that I was not lying flat...she had no idea what I was talking about. OK..if you are going to be doing a pregnancy treatment should you not know that a pregnant woman should not lie flat? Ok so after we figured that out she told me it would be a few minutes as she had not prepared for my treatment yet and "did not know what she was doing and had to read about it first". Are you kidding. She finally figured it out and put together the body scrub portion. Oh I forgot to mention that she left the lights up full bright and not relaxing at all. Anyway, so as she was doing the scrub part she made a comment that it was silly and she felt like she was giving me a sponge bath. NICE! Once that was done she stepped aside and had me get off of the table..I thought she would leave to give me privacy to get into the shower and rinse off..NOPE..she stood right there while I got my pregnant naked body in and out of the shower and back onto the bed. After she finished all the body stuff (talking the entire time about her kids) she gave me a scalp massage it hurt...she kept her thumbs in the same spot and wore a hole into my skull. She asked me if I wanted to move on..I said I was fine though I was dying..I just wanted to get the most I could out of my treatment..even if it sucked. She informed me that there was 5 minutes left in my ridiculous massage. OK I got back off of the bed and got into the shower one last time (with her right there of course) when I got out she suggested I stand for her to do the lotion as she felt it would be silly to have me get back on the table again. So I stood there..awkwardly raising my towel here and there to allow her to lotion me up. She finally left and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. So glad it was over so glad I was free of her. I got into my robe and headed back out to the relaxing room to wait for my pedicure. As I walked down the hall the awful woman was there and she informed me (with rolling eyes) that she would also be doing my pedicure. Sigh*. The pedicure started out ok..doing all the regular one point it was highly painful as she tried to rip skin from my toe..I had to make her stop. She got on the paraffin and left the room. I was confused as I was supposed to have some sort of cool treatment for pregnant women and nothing looked or seemed any different. I asked the manager in the room if what I was having was the treatment I had signed up for. NOPE. Go figure. Thankfully they were nice and credited me. My awful spa demon..I mean lady that worked on me came back into the pedicure room and apologized for the mix up but then went on to tell me that I would not like it any way as it it was cool not hot. OK..but that is what I had signed up for. I left very angry and frustrated not relaxed at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That night I wrote a lengthy letter to the manager of the Chrysallis spa.
The next morning I woke up at 28wks of pregnancy...bleeding. I called my mom and dad and asked them to come over to watch Ruby and Elliot as I was heading to the Labor and Delivery. I was laying down on the couch so that the bleeding would hopefully slow and the baby would be as protected as possible. I had only felt her move once and the movement was so small and slight that I was terrified for her (Scarlet). I stood up to go out the front door so that we could leave and I felt a big gush of blood. I instantly checked and then laid down on the floor of our entryway telling Jason to call and ambulance immediately (which he thought was overkill) but he did it anyway. The baby still was not moving and I was a wreck trying to be brave so that Elliot and Ruby were not too scared. My mom was sick with fear. The ambulance arrived and so so wonderfully did Misty Kok, who I had just spoke with the day before at the park and she remembered where I lived since her husband did lawn service across the st. I was so happy that Misty came as she was the only female there. They got me onto the Gurney and got me into the ambulance only to go to Darigold where (sorry but its true) a very young and handsome aid in the Bellingham ambulance asked me a bunch of awkward questions about gushing blood etc while he tried to get an IV into me. Well I told him it would be hard but they kept trying and trying. I was starting to freak out when they finally gave up and took me to the hospital. Thus started my first stint at the hospital (5days). As a nurse was checking me over she saw my pretty toes..I told her that i had just had a pedicure..and she told me that in some countries they believe that pedicures or any massage to the foot can induce labor. And there you have it..(though it may not be true I choose to believe it) my awful terrible painful and rude experience at the Chrysallis Spa sent me and my wee little 28wk Scarlet to the hospital..and that is why that picture makes me Angry!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
A photo that makes me happy
Friday, February 4, 2011
20 of your favorite things
Hmmmm ok..
1. Jesus: because he loves me no matter what
2. Jason: because he is my best friend, a good husband, and a great dad!
3. My kids: they are my world I dont know if I could breathe without them
4. My family: Well for the most part they like me just as I am, they challenge me, they support me...
5. Coffee: I dont have blood..I have coffee!
6. Books: Nothing is better than a good book...well and a cup of joe
7. My Suburban: I feel awesome in that thing..I love the rumble of the engine, I love how high off the ground I am, I love the 4 wheel drive..I love it!
8. Crystal Light Fruit Punch: cuz it makes water actually taste good
9. Facebook: It keeps me in touch with people when I would usually not keep in touch as it requires phone calls..and im just bad at phone calls.
10. Massage Therapy: because my back is a mass of tightness and pain at all times of my life
11. My Cell Phone: It allows me freedom and control all at the same time
12. Clocks: they make a happy ticking sound...idk but I really just like clocks
13. Fall: its beautiful and its cool...finally
14. Spring: its cool still and yet there is such promise in the air..the way it smells the way it feels..
15. My friends: This should probably be higher up on the list but I just thought of it now..but my friends...keep my grounded, give me the freedom to be the true spaz that I am, and make me very happy..friends make life better!
16. My House: Its not huge, but its cute, I got to paint it and it has new carpet. There is a coziness here that im so thankful for.
17. My Neighbors: Good people with good hearts and wonderful kids that get along with mine
18. My new stove: my old one was new one makes me happy
19. That I have never suffered personal loss in my own immediate family: Thankful that Jesus has kept his hand upon my family.
20: Stephanie Mundens Blog: It always makes me smile!!!!!
1. Jesus: because he loves me no matter what
2. Jason: because he is my best friend, a good husband, and a great dad!
3. My kids: they are my world I dont know if I could breathe without them
4. My family: Well for the most part they like me just as I am, they challenge me, they support me...
5. Coffee: I dont have blood..I have coffee!
6. Books: Nothing is better than a good book...well and a cup of joe
7. My Suburban: I feel awesome in that thing..I love the rumble of the engine, I love how high off the ground I am, I love the 4 wheel drive..I love it!
8. Crystal Light Fruit Punch: cuz it makes water actually taste good
9. Facebook: It keeps me in touch with people when I would usually not keep in touch as it requires phone calls..and im just bad at phone calls.
10. Massage Therapy: because my back is a mass of tightness and pain at all times of my life
11. My Cell Phone: It allows me freedom and control all at the same time
12. Clocks: they make a happy ticking sound...idk but I really just like clocks
13. Fall: its beautiful and its cool...finally
14. Spring: its cool still and yet there is such promise in the air..the way it smells the way it feels..
15. My friends: This should probably be higher up on the list but I just thought of it now..but my friends...keep my grounded, give me the freedom to be the true spaz that I am, and make me very happy..friends make life better!
16. My House: Its not huge, but its cute, I got to paint it and it has new carpet. There is a coziness here that im so thankful for.
17. My Neighbors: Good people with good hearts and wonderful kids that get along with mine
18. My new stove: my old one was new one makes me happy
19. That I have never suffered personal loss in my own immediate family: Thankful that Jesus has kept his hand upon my family.
20: Stephanie Mundens Blog: It always makes me smile!!!!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Embarking on a New Adventure
After 14months of unemployment I am going to start cleaning homes/offices. Im pretty nervous..which is funny since all I do is clean my own! But it has been a long time since ive actually had a job. The blessing of doing this is that it allows me to work for the most part on my own timing. Allowing for Jason to go to the library to study and do homework. He graduates this coming August and I am praying so very hard that the degree will open many doors for him and bring us the job that will provide for our little family. IN the meantime I will be cleaning away. :)
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- Something I am OCD about
- My next 18 posts
- Photo of me recently..........
- Picture of me over 10 yrs ago
- A photo I took
- A photo that makes me Sad/Angry
- A photo that makes me happy
- 20 of your favorite things
About Me
- rach
- I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids under 4 and a hubby. We lead a crazy and busy life with Jesus as our center.