Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Warm Fuzzy Christmas Feelings...myth?

Remember when you were a kid, Christmas Eve.  you were so excited! Your chest would swell up with excitement of Christmas morning, you almost couldnt breathe. The smile on your face would be unstoppable, glowing so bright you swear it could be seen in outer space. It wasnt just the presents that were exciting, but the music, family, food..everything.

Somewhere along the lines of growing up those feelings least for me they did. Theres no magic, its just a day. True, a day that I fully and completely comprehend its meaning. Its no longer about the presents, food, people etc..but about the birth of Jesus. Shouldn't there be magic just in that? Shouldn't I be just as excited as I was as a child? Even if just to see my kids experience it?

Where did they go? Is it even relevant that they are gone? Are the feelings tied to the innocence of being a child and thus dissappear with the knowledge of what kind of world we live in? Can I get them back? I have to say for the friends of mine that still feel this jealous. I want to feel the excitment, magic, wonder and amazement.

Maybe I just havent drank enough coffee..maybe somewhere in the endless cups of joe I will find the answer. I think Ill pour another cup now!

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About Me

I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids under 4 and a hubby. We lead a crazy and busy life with Jesus as our center.