Sunday, February 28, 2010

Elliot Adam Lewis

Elliot my first wonderful beautiful baby!!!! His pregnancy was believe it or not a surprise..we had had a miscarriage 2 months prior and after one year of trying thought it would be best to just quit trying and breathe. Well wouldnt ya know..God had much much better plans!!!

Jason had just left to go play basketball..I was pretty sure I knew what was going on and fairly flew to Fred Meyers and bought a box or maybe it was 2 boxes (4 tests). Now with my first pregnancy my first test was faint but positive, negative at the dr.'s office, but lab results were positive. So given all that I was very nervous it would be the same thing. My symptoms were sooo much subtler than the first pregnancy so I figured it wasnt going to last. But man that + sign flew up so fast it was shocking and bold!!! +++++ you are finally Prego and this is the real deal. I took 2 that night and 2 more the next morning all were positive. Jason was soooo speculative..he wouldnt believe it until he could ''see''it.

I called right away and got in! PTL it was positive even at the dr's office!!!

Elliots pregnancy was fine..we had a brief scare of Placenta Previa but by the time I went back in it had corrected it self. We went to the birthing class...bought all our necessities, picked his name, planned his nursery..we were so very very excited! I was a huge bowling ball!!!! I had enough amniotic fluid for almost 3 babies!! If Elliot rolled my skin was sooo tight it hurt. But it was all worth it. Because of the amniotic fluid levels they had to induce me so that I would be in a controlled and safe setting in case his cord prolapsed.

Induction day was so exciting. Went in, got prepped and set to go with Pitocin, and waited. It did not take long..before I knew it it was hurting. I quickly ordered my epidural..then just laid around and waited..and waited. By 9 that night it was time to push. I pushed for over 3hrs and nothing. :( They decided I had to have a C-Section. I was exhausted, upset, and very disappointed. I wanted a normal birth not surgery!!!

Surgery went well and before we knew it our sweet baby was hollering!!!! He looked just like Jason. Jason said over and over and over that he had his personal mini me. It was cute..and well annoying after a while, 'cuz well I carried him in his own olympic sized swimming pool for 9 months for crying out loud. lol! Nothing in this world could have prepared us for the exhaustion, joy, misery, love...that this small little mo-hawked baby could bring us. He was amazing, and still is!

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About Me

I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids under 4 and a hubby. We lead a crazy and busy life with Jesus as our center.